
The National University Autonomous of Honduras (UNAH) is the leading institution in the Honduran higher education, fulfilling with a strong commitment in the academia, research, science, culture and development of the country.
UNAH was founded in 1847 to lead and develop the higher education in Honduras. With over 165 years of service, the  UNAH is the guiding body in the public and private higher education.
The university has a network of eight Regional Centers, five Telecenters and eight Learning Resource Centers in  Distance Learning (CRAED) which allows to promote the Honduran ethnic and  cultural diversity in the teaching of higher education programs. The UNAH offers 112 university degrees distributed in undergraduate, postgraduate and technical studies.
In terms of research, the UNAH through theDirectorate of Scientific Research and Postgraduate, promotes the management,training, promotion, publication, dissemination and communication of the research in all its faculties at the national level.

The UNAH has 5 research institutes: Institute of Earth Sciences, Institute of Microbiological Research, Institute of Economic and Social Research, Institute of Legal Research and the University Institute in Peace, Democracy and Security (IUDPAS).